ZwiftMap (macOS and Windows)

This tool is no longer actively developed.

If you opt in to ZwiftGPS you can let ZwiftMap show a map of you, your friends, and those in your event as an overlay, nicely on top of the game window.

Besides that ZwiftMap is many things: An overlay map even if you don’t use ZwiftGPS, a chat log, and a way to see live ride/run data.

You can use ZwiftMap on both macOS and Windows.


2022-10-01: Check out the preview version for Windows, which brings back rider data:

These are the latest ‘official’ versions:

Download “ZwiftMap (macOS)” zwiftmap.dmg – Downloaded 36168 times – 166.03 MB Download “ZwiftMap (Windows)” setup-zwiftmap-2.2.2.exe – Downloaded 33932 times – 64.13 MB

Read more

There is a step by step guide with pictures of how to use the new ZwiftGPS based map. Some of the first login steps will be slightly different – and simpler now – because the guide was made for a preview version but how to show and use the map window is the same.

You can find some of the things which are special for the macOS and Windows versions here:

If you want to know more about ZwiftGPS, there is an information and support page for it at ZwiftInsider.


The different announcement posts also provide a lot more information: