
TR-Z-move solves a simple problem:

  • I want to arrange the Zwift window to fill the rest of the screen above the TrainerRoad workout window.

TR-Z-move resizes and moves Zwift exactly like that.

How to use

  1. Launch TrainerRoad, load your workout.
  2. Move the workout window to the screen where you want it (with standard Windows keyboard shortcuts Win+Shift+Right and Win+Shift+Left).
  3. Switch to minimal mode.
  4. Launch Zwift.
  5. Launch TR-Z-Move or (if it is already running) click the ‘Position windows’ button (you can also just press Enter if the TR-Z-move window is active).

If you use the ‘Watch for changes’ option it doesn’t matter in which sequence you launch TrainerRoad, Zwift, and TR-Z-Move.

  • Launch TrainerRoad, load your workout. Move the workout window to the screen where you want it (with standard Windows keyboard shortcuts Win+Shift+Right and Win+Shift+Left), and switch to minimal mode
  • Launch Zwift.
  • Launch TR-Z-Move and make sure that ‘Watch for changes’ is checked.

See the TR-Z-Move FAQ, Tips, and Tricks page for troubleshooting tips and tricks.



Download “TR-Z-move installer” setup-TR-Z-move.exe – Downloaded 2263 times – 1.60 MB

Read more about the installer package.


More info

License: CC NY-NC


Moves the instructions and dialogue windows for the TrainerRoad minimal workout window to the same screen as the minimal workout window itself.
Moves and resizes Zwift to fit above the minimal workout window.