ZwiftPref for macOS & Windows – Change world and other settings

UPDATE: This was the original announcement of ZwiftPref. The most recent information can be found over at the main page for the app.

You want to make use the hidden setting with which YOU get to decide where you will be zwifting today?

You want easy access to set trainer effect (also called resistance level) before you launch Zwift?

This is now possible with an easy to use tool on both macOS and Windows!

The screenshot reveals that not all features from zwift-preferences are in this new ZwiftPref app, but the plan is to add more and more in coming versions.

How to use

After installation, launch the ZwiftPref app.

prefs.xml is loaded when the app starts and when you press the ‘Reload’ button.

Change settings as you like and press ‘Save’ to have the changes written to prefs.xml.

If you close/quit the app without pressing ‘Save’ nothing is changed in prefs.xml



Download “ZwiftPref (macOS)” zwiftpref.dmg – Downloaded 71476 times – 78.58 MB

md5 checksum: 828687362e568594c8b145839ee32a59

Security settings

You will have to adjust some security settings. See the section ‘Security settings’ in the post ZwiftMap for macOS is here. It is the same for ZwiftPref.


So far I recommend zwift-preferences instead of ZwiftPref for Windows because it has more features and is much smaller in size. But anyway, here is ZwiftPref for Windows:

Download “ZwiftPref (Windows)” setup-zwiftpref-0.6.1.exe – Downloaded 37010 times – 60.21 MB

md5 checksum: b67723ade62e5c44a00034f7f61634b4


[CC0 1.0 (Public Domain)]

This license applies only to the original parts of the work. The original licenses of any included packages apply without modification.


 0.1.0 2017-01-26

  • All platforms: First release


Built on

  • [electron](
  • [node.js](
  • [photon](
  • [opn](

Built with

  • [electron-packager](
  • [electron-installer-dmg](
  • [inno-setup]


  1. Hi
    The new routes on watopia were available when I opened the app but no longer on second use – eg horseman etc

    1. It sounds like there has been a timeout while the routes were being retrieved from the ZwiftHacks server (this is done every time ZwiftPref runs). It was most likely just a temporary problem – all seems to be fine now. Let me know if you still have a problem.

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