TR-Z-move has been updated so it can monitor the TrainerRoad and Zwift windows continously and move/resize them without having to press the ‘Position windows’ button.
It can also remove the border around Zwift for a cleaner look.
How to use
If you use the ‘Watch for changes’ option it doesn’t matter in which sequence you launch TrainerRoad, Zwift, and TR-Z-Move.
- Launch TrainerRoad, load your workout, and switch to minimal mode. Move the workout window to the screen where you want it (with standard Windows keyboard shortcuts Win+Shift+Right and Win+Shift+Left).
- Launch Zwift.
- Launch TR-Z-Move and make sure that ‘Watch for changes’ is checked.
- Windows PC with
- Zwift
- TrainerRoad
- ( AutoHotkey version or higher )
Choose the compiled version below for the simplest installation. Then you do not have to have AutoHotkey installed on your PC.
Download – compiled version
Download “TR-Z-move compiled script” – Downloaded 1419 times – 535.40 KBVersion: 5
Download – script version
Download “TR-Z-move script” TR-Z-move.ahk – Downloaded 950 times – 7.54 KBVersion: 5
More info
License: CC NY-NC
Moves the instructions and dialogue windows for the TrainerRoad minimal workout window to the same screen as the minimal workout window itself.
Moves and resizes Zwift to fit above the minimal workout window.