Use ZwiftHacks to Get More Info about Zwift Events — Zwift Insider

I was once in a group ride and struggled to remember exactly what the advertised route and pace was. That made me wish for a way to see the event description even after the event has started. This was the original idea that lead to the event list you find at ZwiftHacks. By now Zwift…

via Use ZwiftHacks to Get More Info about Zwift Events — Zwift Insider


  1. the distance info for the giro de castelli for today february 13th is erroneous. the info states that the distance is 23.2 km and 11.6km per lap but in reality each lap is 25.9km and total distance is 51.8km not the 23.2km posted. just an fyi.

    thanks for all the info

  2. it was just an FYI…not a critic on your work.. just found this site last week and find it very useful. Your doing great work!!

      1. Besides that the page has just been made locale/language aware so it formats date and time according to the language preferences in your browser.

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