Here are three more ways to create custom event pages. You can get custom pages for series, events, and clubs.
Event series pages
All of the series listed in the ‘Series’ tab can be used in the URL link to see a series specific page.
A series shortname is generated automatically from a series name by removing all underscores, spaces, and periods, leaving just letters and digits.
The shortname can be used to see a series specific page at https://zwifthacks.com/app/events/series/<shortname>

Make your own series
Zwift HQ mark some events as part of a series but for increased series visibility you can make your event part of a series with a tag like this if you’re an event organizer:
where <seriesname>
may contain letters, digits, underscore (“_”), spaces, and period (“.”)
[series:ZwiftHacks Ride Series #1]
The tag must be somewhere in the event description.
The series shortname will be generated automatically from seriesname by removing all underscores, spaces, and periods, leaving just letters and digits.
‘ZwiftHacks Ride Series #1’ will have the shortname ‘ZwiftHacksRideSeries1’.
Hashtag pages
You can see a page with only events that have a specific hashtag in the description.
will show you only events with the hashtag #strongertogether in their description.

Club pages
You can get a page with only events belonging to a specific club. Use the club shortname in the URL. Club shortnames are shown in the event details, e.g. WSR for the club World Social Riders:

are all the events arranged by the club [DBR] Danish Bike Riders (shortname ‘DBR’).

If you find any problems with the event page you can use the comment section below to report them.