Here is a summary for week 47 of news from ZwiftHacks which didn’t get its own post during the week. It can be new features, changes, bug fixes, and website content:
- Club search in Events
- More teams/clubs added to the event list
- New installer for zwift-preferences
- New installer for zwift-hotkeys and improvements of the zwift-hotkeys documentation
Club search in Events
If an event is organised by one of the clubs the name of the club will be shown:
You can also search using club names in the Event list.
It is possible to search using short club names and full club names.
New installer for zwift-preferences
There was a small service release for zwift-preferences. No new features or bug fixes, but the installer has been updated to follow the same new installation principles as other scripts.
New installer for zwift-hotkeys
zwift-hotkeys finally got a proper installer. Besides that some of the documentation was hard to read, so it got an update.